Integration of the solution

The solution can be implemented in hatcheries, grow-out plants and smolt plants where water quality is particularly critical. The solution lowers bacteria, parasites and algae levels in production water in traditional or recirculation aquaculture plants and works by keeping the overall bacterial pressure under control. The water treatment inhibits bacterial- and algae bloom in fish farms due to the treatment’s deadly effect on a cellular level. The unit thereby also has a positive effect on geosmin, to eliminate or minimize potential distaste in fish stock.

The Aquaturu solution is scalable, can be implemented in both cold- and warm freshwater facilities and can be customized to meet different demands of flow-rate.


Intake water for the plant

The intake water to a plant is of critical importance. Unwanted viruses and bacteria unless treated, enter the plant causing great damage due to disease. Natural occurring bacteria and algae in the intake water can increase biofilm build-up, making it prone to uncontrollable growth and implications from pathogens.

Recirculated water in the plant

Keeping the overall bacterial pressure in the system at a controlled level is vital to avoid biofilm build-up and proliferation of potentially deadly diseases induced by bacteria and viruses. Furthermore biofilm growth can affect geosmin levels causing distaste in the produced fish.

Discharge from the plant to the environment

The Aquaturu solution can be implemented to disinfect the discharge water before it is released into the environment. Environmental legislation is becoming even stricter and future regulations may deem it necessary to take these precautions - particularly when RAS plants are placed in close proximity to large cities.